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Grants and Opportunities


RDA Northern Rivers seeks to support the Northern Rivers business community by featuring available grants and opportunities for the benefit of our local economy and community. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of the grants that are available, instead it is a list of featured grants, primarily for organisations.

There are many more grants available and we have provided some useful links below to help you find them. RDA Northern Rivers can support your application through access to regional data, application assistance and support letters.

Need some guidance to help write your application? RDA Northern Rivers Successful Grant Writing Toolkit provides a step by step guide to help you write winning grants.

RDA Sydney are host to two grant writing webinars that provide more insight into the grant writing process. You can access the recording of the first webinar here and download documents from both webinars on the Successful Grant Writing Toolkit page.

What’s on this page?

COVID-19 Grants and Support
Grants closing July 2024
Grants closing in August 2024
Grants closing in September 2024
More grant opportunities
Awards, Scholarships and more
Where to find grants


COVID-19 Grants and Support

The NSW Government has a range of financial support available for businesses and industries affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. Information is available from the NSW Government website.

A complete list of grants, loans and financial assistance available to NSW businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic is available on the Service NSW website.

Workplace Legal Advice Program
The Fair Work Ombudsman’s Workplace Legal Advice Program provides eligible employers and employees with independent legal help to deal with workplace issues arising from the coronavirus outbreak.

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Grants closing in July 2024

Medical Research Future Fund 2024 BioMedTech Incubator grant opportunity
This opportunity looks to fund suitable organisations to identify, select and support Australian SMEs undertaking early-stage medical research and medical innovation projects that have commercial potential – Closes 31 July 2024

Sisters of Charity Foundation Community Grants
The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity grants of up to $15,000 to smaller grassroots organisations that can’t find help from more traditional sources – Closes 31 July 2024

Transport Heritage Grants Program
The Transport Heritage Grants Program provides funding and support to not-for-profit organisations to further develop the heritage transport sector – Closes 31 July 2024

Clarence Valley Council Heritage Grants
Local heritage grants of up to $2,000 are available assist owners and community trustees with maintenance, repair, stablisation, and interpretation of heritage items, and contributory items in Heritage Conservation Areas, in the rural areas of the Clarence Valley – Closes 31 July 2024

Ski for Life
Funds are available to assist communities, groups, and individuals to undertake projects which align with the Ski for Life mission “To use conversations and community engagement to raise awareness of strategies that support good mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention” – Closes 31 July 2024

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Grants closing in August 2024

Electric Vehicle Destination Charging Grants NSW
This program provides funding to NSW regional businesses that purchase and install EV chargers – Closes 2 August 2024

Forced Marriage Specialist Support Program (FMSSP)
The objectives of the FMSSP grant opportunity are to deliver a coordinated response to support the victims and survivors of forced marriage, and assist those at risk of, or who have experienced forced marriage – Closes 5 August 2024

Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund
The Flourish: First Nations Fashion and Textiles Fund provides grants from $10,000 to $50,000 to build sustainable businesses and support economic, cultural, and social development opportunities – Closes 6 August 2024

Telstra Footy Country Grants
The Telstra Footy Country Grants is designed to financially assist initiatives that can support Community Clubs affiliated to the AFL to strengthen the base and secure the future – Closes 7 August 2024

Create NSW Annual Funding for Organisations 2024/25
The purpose of this funding is to provide transitional support for arts and cultural organisations, local government authorities and service organisations to deliver arts and cultural activities throughout a single calendar or financial year – Closes 8 August 2024

Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants
Nutrien Ag Solutions Community Grants is a small grants program aiming to contribute to the success, vibrancy and wellbeing of rural and regional communities nationwide – Closes 8 August 2024

Peer Support and Capacity Building Grant Round
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is seeking to support operationally ready organisations to increase the skills, knowledge, and confidence of people with disability, their families, and carers to access and navigate disability, health, and other community services and activities – Closes 9 August 2024

Kickstarter Challenge
Competition for female entrepreneurs with a new business idea to pitch their new business idea for the chance to secure a share of $60,000 in equity-free funding – Closes 13 August 2024

Makers Project: Community STEM Engagement Grants
This opportunity provides grants up to $100,000 to foster creativity and inquiry-based learning for the development of STEM skills in students and youth in design, engineering and programming through hands-on learning – Closes 14 August 2024

Regional Arts Fund
The Regional Arts Fund provides open, competitive grants through two streams: Project Grants and Quick Response Grants – Closes 16 August 2024

Community Broadcasting Foundation Grants
The Community Broadcasting Foundation supports a range of grant opportunities for Australian community broadcasters, supporting the production of local stories, news and cultural content reflecting diverse perspectives, people and communities – Closes 20 August 2024

Australia-Japan Foundation 2024-25 Grant Round
The Australia-Japan Foundation seeks to advance Australia’s engagement with Japan by supporting people-to-people linkages, promoting a contemporary image of Australia in Japan, and facilitating informed discussion on key bilateral foreign and trade policy issues – Closes 21 August 2024

Australia-Korea Foundation (AKF) 2024-25 Grant Round
The Australia-Korea Foundation offers annual grant funding to organisations and individuals to support projects or activities which advance Australia’s engagement with Korea, including exchanges, partnerships and other collaborations in the general fields of business, education, academia, arts/culture and society – Closes 21 August 2024

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) First Nations – Delivery Grant Opportunity Guidelines
The SEE Program aims to improve access to foundation skills training, focusing on building LLND skills, for around 27,000 Australians – Closes 23 August 2024

Australia’s Economic Accelerator Grants
There are two grants available under the Australia’s Economic Accelerator (AEA) grant program, AEA Ignite and AEA Innovate – Closes 28 August 2024

Aged Care Capital Assistance Program Residential–based Aged Care Services
The Aged Care Capital Assistance Program provides aged care infrastructure grants aimed at maintaining or increasing access to quality aged care services in thin market settings – Closes 29 August 2024

Tweed Sustainable Agriculture Small Grants
If you are a primary producer, market gardener or small lot farmer in the Tweed Shire, a limited number of grants of up to $4,000 are available for eligible activities – Closes 30 August 2024

Knowledge and Skill Development
The Grants Program seeks to promote quality and safety through grant activities that educate, influence and consult with stakeholders on the rights of people with disability, quality providers and workers and a thriving and diverse market – Closes 30 August 2024

Illegal Dumping Prevention Grants
NSW Government support for local councils and state government agencies managing public land to combat illegal dumping – Closes 30 August 2024

Club Grants – Ballina, Byron
Charities, sporting organisations and not-for-profit community groups are among tens-of-thousands of worthy causes funded through the Club Grants program each year – Closes 31 August 2024

Tucker Foundation Grants
The Albert & Barbara Tucker Foundation supporting registered charitable organisations who are actively making a positive difference in the lives of humans, animals and the natural environment – Closes 31 August 2024

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Grants closing in September 2024

Dobell Exhibition Grant
The Dobell Exhibition Grant program provides financial assistance towards the development of new, curated exhibitions of visual arts at regional and public galleries in New South Wales – Closes 2 September 2024

Strengthening Rural Communities – Prepare and Recover
The Strengthening Rural Communities Prepare & Recover program supports communities in remote, rural and regional communities across Australia to implement initiatives that prevent and prepare for future climate related impacts, or recover from existing disasters in the medium to long-term timeframe, generally one to ten years after the disaster – Closes 5 September 2024

Volunteer Museum Grants – Round 2
These grants are designed to assist volunteer community museums and Aboriginal cultural centres in NSW – Closes 8 September 2024

National Justice Reinvestment Program – Round 2
The objective of this grant opportunity is to support the development and delivery of community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led justice reinvestment initiatives across Australia, by supporting the development, implementation, and evaluation of local justice reinvestment strategies and activities, and local project teams and leadership structures to undertake the work of developing, implementing and evaluating justice reinvestment strategies – Closes 10 September 2024

Veterans’ Acute Housing Program – Capital Works and Specialist Services Grants
The Veterans’ Acute Housing Program will provide funding to eligible organisations to improve housing outcomes for veterans and their families who are experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness – Closes 13 September 2024

Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program
The Safer Local Roads and Infrastructure Program commenced on 1 July 2024 to provide funding for projects to address current and emerging priorities in road infrastructure needs – Closes 30 September 2024

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More grant opportunities

‘Lights on Door Open’ Stipend Program
The ‘Lights on Door Open’ stipend program aims to support eligible organisations, reduce the burden of constant fundraising, and allow them to focus on collections, maintenance, and best practices – Closes when all funds ($226,000) expended

Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Station Grants NSW
Funding is available across four streams to support the installation of electric vehicle fast charging stations across Australia – Closes 3 October 2024

Documentary Producer Program
The program is designed to support innovative, distinctive and engaging documentaries with a strong creative vision in the context of today’s evolving media and distribution landscape and the commercial realities of increasingly fragmented sources of finance – Closes 24 October 2024

Skills Development Grants
Skills Development Grants provide funding to volunteer museums, museum networks, and Aboriginal cultural spaces for regional or state-focused skill development training and networking events involving more than one organisation – Closes 27 October 2024

Leg Up Grants
Leg Up Grants are quick response skill development grants for workers in volunteer managed museums and Aboriginal cultural spaces throughout NSW – Closes 27 October 2024

MRFF 2024 Research Data Infrastructure Grant Opportunity
This grant opportunity is part of the Medical Research Future Fund and the Research Data Infrastructure Initiative and looks to fund the creation or extension of national research data infrastructure to support world-class health and medical research in Australia – Closes 28 October 2024

Go-Green Co-Innovation Program – Round 2
Go-Green Co-Innovation Program seeks to facilitate collaboration between Australian SMEs and Singapore businesses in jointly undertaking projects that drive the decarbonisation of economic activities or help Australia or Singapore to transition to net zero emissions – Closes 14 November 2024

Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program
The program is designed to provide funding for projects that promote appreciation and understanding of the experiences of service and the roles that those who served have played, and to preserve, add to the sum knowledge on, or provide access to information about Australia’s wartime heritage – Closes 5 February 2025

MVP (Minimal Viable Product) Ventures 2024-2025
The MVP Ventures Program supports startups and innovative SMEs in the product lifecycle between early-stage research and mature investment opportunities, through grants to drive the commercialisation of highly innovative and new products – Closes 28 February 2025

Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grants
Promoting diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce, the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant subsidises the salary, development and support costs of Aboriginal employees in public service agencies and local government authorities – Closes 30 June 2025

Cancer Patient Care Program
The Cancer Patient Support Program will support, one-off, time-limited activities that provide national leadership on emerging priorities across the cancer control continuum – Closes 1 August 2025

Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program – Phase 4
Funding under Phase 4 of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program is available from 1 July 2023 to support Eligible Funding Recipients to deliver priority local road and community infrastructure projects across Australia – Closes 30 June 2026

Regional Australia Microgrids Pilot Program
In October 2020, the Australian Government announced the $50 million Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program (RAMPP) to support pilot demonstrations of microgrids in regional and remote areas – Closes 31 December 2026

Bin Trim Equipment Rebates Program
Rebates up to $50,000 are being offered to cover up to 50% of the cost of small-scale, on-site equipment or technology that avoids, reduces, reuses, or recycles waste – Closes 30 June 2027

Lights on Doors Open stipend program to support volunteer-led museums and galleries
The ‘Lights On, Doors Open’ stipend program has been established to relieve the pressures faced by volunteer-led museums and Aboriginal cultural spaces in NSW – Closes when funds are exhausted 

Oral History Regional Engagement Grants  
This grant aims to raise the profile of oral history in regional areas and extend its expertise and use throughout New South Wales – Closing date to be announced in 2024 

Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) First Nations – Scoping Grant Opportunity Guidelines
SEE First Nations is locally tailored, whole of community LLND skills training delivery to First Nations people through place-based grants – Ongoing

ECEC Workforce Professional Development and Paid Practicum
These grants are being made available to the Early Childhood Education and Care workforce to assist with educator retention and upskilling – Ongoing

Defence Industry Development Grants Program – Exports Stream
The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority – Ongoing

Defence Industry Development Grants Program – Sovereign Industrial Priorities Stream
The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority – Ongoing

Defence Industry Development Grants Program – Skilling Stream
The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority – Ongoing

Defence Industry Development Grants Program – Security Stream
The objective of the program is to build the industrial base Australia needs to achieve Defence outcomes in areas of strategic priority – Ongoing

Industry Growth Program: Commercialisation and Growth
Participants in the Industry Growth Program Advisory Service may apply for Commonwealth grant funding to support specific commercialisation and/or growth projects – Ongoing

Industry Growth Program: Early-Stage Commercialisation
The objective of the early-stage commercialisation grants is to help businesses to undertake the steps necessary to establish the commercialise viability of an innovative product, process or service, including steps to undertake feasibility and proof-of-concept through to prototyping – Ongoing

Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Development and Planning
The program will focus on a partnership approach, bringing together governments and communities to plan and deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how the precinct connects to the region – Ongoing

Regional Precincts and Partnerships Program: Precinct Delivery
This program will bring together governments and communities to plan and deliver regional precincts that are tailored to local needs and have a shared vision in how that precinct connects to the region – Ongoing

Regional Investment Activation Fund
This grant supports projects that are time-sensitive and strategically significant for a priority industry or location. Projects may be recommended for funding support under the Regional Investment Activation Fund – Ongoing

Workforce Incentives Program (WIP) – Doctors Stream
The WIP – Doctor Stream provides medical practitioners with financial incentives to practice in rural and remote areas of Australia – Ongoing

Safework Small Business Rebate
A rebate provided through Safework NSW to support small businesses to purchase safety items to improve work health and safety – Ongoing

Producer Offset – Screen Australia  
The Producer Offset is a refundable tax offset (rebate) for producers of Australian feature films, television and other projects – Ongoing 

Return to Work – Phase 3
The Return to Work Program is for women who have been unemployed for one month or more and intend to return to work as an employee within 6 months – Ongoing

Advancing Renewables Program
Supports a broad range of development, demonstration and pre-commercial deployment projects that can deliver affordable and reliable renewable energy for Australian families and businesses – Ongoing

Accelerating Commercialisation
Accelerating Commercialisation is a service under the AusIndustry Entrepreneurs’ Programme that provides you with advice and funding to get your novel product, process or service to market – Ongoing

Advanced Development NSW
Provides NSW-based key creatives with funding of up to $50,000 to support screen content in an advanced stage of development including feature films, documentaries, adult and children?s TV drama – Ongoing

Airservices Australia Enroute Charges Payment Scheme
The Airservices Australia Enroute Charges Payment Scheme (program) commenced on 1 January 2002 and was introduced against the background of the collapse of Ansett on September 12, 2001 to assist in ensuring the continuation of air services to regional Australia – Ongoing

Australian Government’s Youth Job PaTH
Trial and hire a young person and get help with wage and training costs – Ongoing

Bridges Renewal Program and Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program
The Bridges Renewal Program (BRP) and the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program (HVSPP) are complementary programs designed to provide funding to State, Territory and Local Governments for projects which will upgrade and replace bridges to enhance access for local communities and facilitate higher productivity vehicle access (BRP) and increase the productivity and safety of heavy vehicle operations (HVSPP) – Ongoing

Early Development NSW
Provides key creatives for NSW based screen projects with funding of up to $50,000 to support screen content in the early stage of development with pre-draft and early draft costs – Ongoing

Employer Incentives for Apprentices
The Australian Government offers a range of incentives to employers who hire apprentices, ranging from additional support for identified skill shortages, adult Australian apprentices, Australian apprentices with a disability and wage subsidies – Ongoing

Indigenous Travel Grants
The Travel Grants program is designed to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander filmmakers in travelling to key international and Australian events. Professional development is a key objective – Applications can generally be made at any time at least five weeks before the event

NSW Emergency Drought Relief Package 2019-20
On 11 June 2019 the NSW Government announced additional drought assistance measures for farmers including a $350 million increase in the Farm Innovation Fund and $70 million to continue rebates on the Drought Transport Subsidy – Ongoing or until funds exhausted

NSW Heritage Emergency Works Grant
These grants support the protection or repairs to declared Aboriginal Places, items listed on the State Heritage Register, or items with a current interim heritage order that have been damaged by unexpected events (such as an extreme storm or accident) and where your insurance does not cover this cost – Ongoing

NSW Trade Missions & Exhibitions
Provides export ready NSW companies with industry exhibitions, specialist advice and networking opportunities to help them succeed in the export market – Ongoing

Regional Event Fund – Event Development Stream
The Event Development stream supports the strategic growth of proven events that demonstrate a clear rationale for the continued development of its tourism potential – Ongoing

Riparian and Habitat Recovery funding
Funding of up to $18,000 is available to help landholders and community groups protect and enhance waterways, wetlands and habitat in the North Coast region of NSW – Ongoing

Strategic Opportunities Program
The Strategic Opportunities Program supports individual initiatives and events that demonstrate long-term benefits to the NSW screen industry – Ongoing

Support for Startups
An initiative under the NSW Government’s Jobs for NSW program to provides capital funding through investment to support growing businesses – Ongoing

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Awards, scholarships and opportunities

Community Achievement Awards 2024
Acknowledges the valuable contributions that individuals, communities and businesses make throughout regional and rural NSW & The ACT – Entries close 21 August 2024

The Koori Mail Indigenous Art Award  
The Koori Mail Indigenous Art Award 2024 is an art prize for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, first launched at Lismore Regional Gallery in 2021 – Entries close 1 September 2024.

IMAGinE Awards 2024
The IMAGinE Awards highlight the resilience, innovation and creativity of museums, galleries and Aboriginal cultural spaces and recognise the people who work in them – Entries close 1 September 2024

Windmill Trust Scholarship for Regional NSW
This scholarship provides assistance towards the cost of exhibiting work, including space rental, artist fees, travel and documentation, professional development and education, and independent artistic research or practice including studio fees, residencies and travel – Applications close 2 September 2024

NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award
The NSW Health Infrastructure Arts and Health Award is aimed at supporting cultural organisations working in partnership with the health sector to deliver positive health and wellbeing outcomes for the community through arts and cultural projects – Closes 9 September 2024

M&G NSW Fellowships, Mentorships and Volunteer Placements
Funded by Create NSW, this program provides professional development opportunities to NSW museum and gallery staff – Closes 18 September 2024

Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships
The Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships Program aims to promote equality of opportunity in higher education, through increasing access to, and participation of, up to 600 employed women to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) – Onoing

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Where To Find Grants

Government Grants

Australian Government

Grants & Programs is the assistance portal on the Australian Government’s business.gov.au site. The search feature provides access to over 600 grants that support business, local government and community. It includes incentives for research and development, support for small businesses, tax and duty concessions, and assistance for industries in transition.

GrantConnect provides centralised publication of forecast and current Australian Government grants and opportunities and grants awarded

Community Grants Hub is the Australian Government’s site for community-related grants. This can include grants for health, agriculture and landcare. Other sources of Australian Government grants

Department of Social Services 
Department of Environment and Energy 
Australia Council for the Arts 
Screen Australia 
Community Grants Hub

NSW Government

The NSW Business Grants support small businesses to hire new employees and expand their business.

Community Builders NSW is a program which provides funding for a range of services to strengthen communities and build their capacity and is provided by NSW Family and Community Services.

Other sources of NSW Government grants

Screen NSW
Create NSW
Arts NSW
Smarty Grants
Club Grants
Museums & Galleries NSW


Northern Rivers Regional Councils

Funding for a range of community projects is available through Northern Rivers local councils. Information about community funding programs can be found on council websites.

Ballina Shire Council
Byron Shire Council
Clarence Valley Council
Lismore City Council
Richmond Valley Council
Tweed Shire Council
Kyogle Council


Other Grant Opportunities

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
Australian Communities Foundation
Club Grants
Northern Rivers Community Foundation
Community Broadcasting Foundation
Business Australia – Guide to NSW Small Business Grants

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105 Molesworth Street
(PO Box 146)
Lismore NSW 2480 [Map]

T +61 02 6622 4011

F +61 02 6621 4609

Fb facebook.com/rdanorthernrivers

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