On 1 November 2013, Lismore-born online entrepreneur Jodie Fox and MP for Page Kevin Hogan launched the Northern Rivers Digital Economy Strategy at the Northern Rivers Community Gallery in Ballina.
The project was managed by RDA-NR on behalf of the Northern Rivers Digital Working Group. Representatives from councils in the region through NOROC, Southern Cross University and North Coast TAFE participated in the Group. The development of the Strategy was also supported by NSW Trade and Investment.
Melbourne-based consultants Symphony3 were engaged to prepare the study. They conducted a series of sector-specific public consultations in February 2013 and set up a website digitalnorthernrivers.com.au. The website included a short diagnostic tool to help businesses understand what further action they needed to take to ensure their success in the digital economy. Businesses were also able to lodge case-studies and success stories.
What’s in it?
The Strategy challenges everyone in the Northern Rivers to: embrace digital technologies, communicate the benefits to others and together we will deliver a better, digitally-enabled future for everyone in the region.
After setting out a ‘Digital Vision’ for the region, it outlines seven key principles for success. Detailed evidence, discussion, illustrations, case studies and recommendations are also made under the topics of householders, the business community, government services, education, health and aged care and the environment and infrastructure.
The Strategy recommends implementation should be guided by a ‘Task Force’ of leaders from the various sectors, which RDA-NR was tasked to establish.
Download the strategy